bOukje Ypma


performance and installation

During the best of Graduates award ceremony at Ron Mandos gallery I was asking myself, what is the greatest creation of all? And my instant answer was "a child". Directly after this idea we were handed drinks in cans I have never seen before or ever after which read "mama" on each and every one. Was this a sign from above?

I had cherished the idea of making a baby for a long time but I never found the right moment or partner for it. While drinking the rose lemonade from oreintal "mama" I thought, now the clock had almost reached 12 and there is no more time for waiting around. I just have to do it by myself.

Wouldn't it be perfect to deliver this ultimate creation and give birth during my graduation show?

So I started to plan...

Ongoing performance with real babies

Friday 17h30-19h00

Saturday 15h30-17h00

Sunday 14h30-16h00